Sport and Athletic
Redeemer seeks to train our students not just academically and spiritually, but also physically. With an outstanding athletic environment, our students have many opportunities to grow in understanding the benefits of hard work, mental focus, the importance of teamwork, self-control, and the pursuit of excellence.
Our new athletics logo!

NCSSAA Senior Boys' Volleyball Gold Division Champions
We equip and provide our students with opportunities to:
Grow in the knowledge of how to build a healthy lifestyle
Compete against other local Ottawa high schools in a variety of sports
Attend local and regional tournaments
Participate in intramural sports during their lunch break
Take physical education classes from grades 9 to 12
Join other staff and students for Workout Wednesdays
Train in after-school team practices
Redeemer is pleased to be part of the National Capital Secondary Schools Athletic Association. Our school teams compete against other Ottawa-area high schools, as well as other Ontario Christian high schools at tournaments throughout the year.
All full-time students registered at Redeemer are permitted to try out for a sports team.
Our interscholastic sports have included
Cross Country Running
For students looking for a less competitive and more relaxed game, our intramural program is an excellent option.
Lunch time intramural activities include:
Indoor Soccer
Floor Hockey
To participate in intramurals, students can sign up with our athletics director.

At Redeemer, everyone is encouraged to join in and have fun!

Our athletes are encouraged to seek excellence and put sportsmanship and respect above winning.
For a small school, Redeemer produces quality, competitive teams that hold their own against the larger schools they compete against.