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‘Plug into God’ instead of our devices

Updated: May 12, 2023

Students explore topics of Media and Discernment and are challenged to unplug from their devices

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24)

Will Redeemer students grow spiritually this year? How can we complement what parents and churches are doing? From chapels to homeroom devotions, teachers are working hard to renew their focus on spiritual growth and discipleship. This year’s theme verse (above) expresses our collective acknowledgement that God is always present and that, as His children, we can invite Him into our daily lives. This is, after all, the life we were created for…even in high school.

Throughout November, we’ve been exploring the topics of Media and Discernment. It is our desire to invite God into this area of our lives, that we might discern the best way to use our devices and our time to His glory. Music expert Micah van Dijk spoke in chapel and to senior English classes about discerning the impact that music has on us. The following week, the student body participated in a live survey and heard from a honest panel of their peers on ‘How do you use your device?’ Since then, a variety of teachers have led chapel and homeroom talks on our use of time, procrastination, and forming good habits. Pastor Craig Hoekema will add another message on the biblical view of discernment.

Students have been asked to consider how conviction, routine, and community play a role in forming good habits. As a school, we were challenged to ‘Plug into God’ from Wednesday, November 29 to Wednesday, December 6. This involves making a commitment in our homeroom groups to do the following at 10 p.m. (or earlier) each night: unplug, read the Bible, reflect, pray and go to bed. Even those with mounds of work to do were encouraged to pause at ten and stay ‘unplugged’ from their devices for the remainder of the night.

May God search us, know our hearts, convict us in the way we should go, and lead us in His everlasting way—yes, even in our media use and yes, even as adults.

Parents — ask your student if they took the challenge to ‘Plug into God’. If not, what was the barrier? Please pray for our students as they grow in Christ, sometimes in the face of great difficulties. Pray also for teachers as they continually discern a direction for chapels.

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