Devoted to Christ
Students develop disciplined minds, hearts, and bodies according to the full measure of Jesus Christ. They find their identity in Him. They evaluate the world in the light of scripture and demonstrate discernment as they form a comprehensive worldview.

Our student body consists of over 200 teens from more than 18 different denominations.
Every Wednesday, the entire student body and staff gather in our gym for worship, prayer, and reflection.
Our student-led worship team leads the singing which is then followed by a Biblical presentation.

Our speakers include teachers, pastors or youth pastors, missionaries and people working for Christian ministries or organizations.
Presentations may also be made by community members or even students who would like to share their testimony, a mission experience, or promote a Christian organization or event.

Our weekly chapel is an important element of our school schedule; it’s an opportunity to challenge and encourage our students in their Christian walk.
Speakers are encouraged to present ideas that really make our teens think about Biblical truths, God’s standards, God’s calling on their lives, and how these truths are relevant to their lives today.